Facts on Refugee Crisis
What is actually happening there?
Posted 8 years ago by Hakonfl in category: important

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(guest) - 8 years ago [ Reply ]
I call total b.s. on this. Rich xenophobic cowards? Regressive (i.e. Progressive) demagoguery on full and unabashed display here). Guest.... Sovereign countries simply cannot have open borders and entitlement state. It's absolutely ludicrous. The entire economic system will be overwhelmed leading ultimately to chaos. The European countries simply cannot handle the influx economically. It's suicidal. First of all, the supposed Assyrian boy that drowned was in fact a Turk, not a Syrian refugee. And it was his father that decided to pack up his family to flee to Germany for their very general healthcare (specifically for dental work for himself). He wasn't able to get the dental freebies from his own Turkish government. How shameful. Secondly, if these European countries spent half as much on mitigating the factors that led to the crisis the first place they would not need to spend so much dealing with the refugees and shoring up their borders. Short-sighted. Refugees will integrate/assimilate well? Who are are you fooling? They have a very different culture and do not integrate. Look at polls of Muslim immigrants asking about the institution of sharia. It polls very high! Conditions are getting so bad Jews can hardly walk alone in Paris and other parts of Europe without fear. Do you live in a parallel universe? The Narrator of this video makes brief mention of the middle Eastern countries refusing to accept the refugees, one quick line. These are other Muslim countries would be the best fit for them. Why don't they want to take the refugees? If they were taking refugees, would we see a drastic shift in refugee preferences? Highly unlikely given the generous nature of these European countries. It doesn't take more than the rubbing of few brain cells together to see what's going on here. The USA has massive issues already with their southern border. You have one political party who has completely sold their country and the American citizen out for the future votes to keep the democrats in power for eternity with all their handouts to illegal immigrants. Margaret Thatcher was dead-on when she said the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money. What good is it to anyone, immigrant and non-immigrants, if you allow your sovereign nation and civil society to collapse into chaos and anarchy? It's insanity. More attention needs to be paid to promoting freedom and liberty at home and abroad in order to keep these awful situations from happening in the first place. We all should agree ISIS ought to be removed from the face of the earth. They want to go back to the 7th century? Send them there. I don't want it to be said I'm not offering my own solutions. So let's start here.

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I call total b.s. on this. Rich xenophobic cowards? Regressive (i.e. Progressive) demagoguery on full and unabashed display here). Guest.... Sovereign countries simply cannot have open borders and entitlement state. It's absolutely ludicrous. The entire economic system will be overwhelmed leading ultimately to chaos. The European countries simply cannot handle the influx economically. It's suicidal. First of all, the supposed Assyrian boy that drowned was in fact a Turk, not a Syrian refugee. And it was his father that decided to pack up his family to flee to Germany for their very general healthcare (specifically for dental work for himself). He wasn't able to get the dental freebies from his own Turkish government. How shameful. Secondly, if these European countries spent half as much on mitigating the factors that led to the crisis the first place they would not need to spend so much dealing with the refugees and shoring up their borders. Short-sighted. Refugees will integrate/assimilate well? Who are are you fooling? They have a very different culture and do not integrate. Look at polls of Muslim immigrants asking about the institution of sharia. It polls very high! Conditions are getting so bad Jews can hardly walk alone in Paris and other parts of Europe without fear. Do you live in a parallel universe? The Narrator of this video makes brief mention of the middle Eastern countries refusing to accept the refugees, one quick line. These are other Muslim countries would be the best fit for them. Why don't they want to take the refugees? If they were taking refugees, would we see a drastic shift in refugee preferences? Highly unlikely given the generous nature of these European countries. It doesn't take more than the rubbing of few brain cells together to see what's going on here. The USA has massive issues already with their southern border. You have one political party who has completely sold their country and the American citizen out for the future votes to keep the democrats in power for eternity with all their handouts to illegal immigrants. Margaret Thatcher was dead-on when she said the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money. What good is it to anyone, immigrant and non-immigrants, if you allow your sovereign nation and civil society to collapse into chaos and anarchy? It's insanity. More attention needs to be paid to promoting freedom and liberty at home and abroad in order to keep these awful situations from happening in the first place. We all should agree ISIS ought to be removed from the face of the earth. They want to go back to the 7th century? Send them there. I don't want it to be said I'm not offering my own solutions. So let's start here.

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