Leslie Lemke
ABC's That's Incredible 1981. Leslie Lemke was born prematurely in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1952. As a complication of his premature birth, he developed retinal problems, then glaucoma, and his eyes had to be surgically removed in the first months of life. He also had brain damage and cerebral palsy. His birth mother gave him up for adoption, and the county asked May Lemke, a nurse-governess, if she would take Lemke into her receiving home. He was 12 before he learned to stand, and 15 before he learned to walk. Today Leslie is alive and well, and still playing marvelously in Arpin, Wisconsin. He lives with Mary Parker, May’s daughter, who has lovingly taken on the caregiver role after May died in 1993.
Posted 5 years ago by knina in category: fascinating

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