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Joined December 2017 (6 years ago)

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Video comments:
1. No one made a comment before your oh-so-clever preemptive redneck remark. I’d stick to commenting on whatever world you live in, because in the US, there is something called a Constitution. You may not be familiar with it. In that Constitution exists a 2nd Ammendment which gives citizens a rightful means to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. If the citizens wish to remove this protection, the Constitution can be amended to do just that. There are many things that can be done to address/fix this problem, but gutting the Constition or passing laws which violate the 2nd ammendment have to be the worst possible “remedy.” - 1 year ago
2. Hefty, you sound like have some personal issues to work out. Please seek help. The sickos taking innocent lives are not rednecks, conservatives, those who respect the constitution, or other Americans who love this country (i.e. the American people) who only want to help their neighbors. I don’t know what world you live in. These perps are just the opposite, deranged leftist, Godless lunatics with no respect for humanity. Rather than acknowledge the truth you want to project and create straw men. In my world, I avoid the few folks like you (thank God) I run into. - 1 year ago
3. - 2 years ago

Video submissions:
1. Origins of Coronavirus - 4 years ago

Link submissions:

Latest voted videos
1. Humans finally figured out how to make it rain - 1 year ago
2. Can YOU Fix Climate Change? - 2 years ago
3. What The Coronavirus Vaccine Does To Your Body - 3 years ago

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