Stephen Fry Does Something never done before
52! or 8.0658175e+67
Posted 11 years ago by boyt in category: interesting

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(guest) - 11 years ago [ Reply ]

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(guest) - 11 years ago
  A bunch of amino acids bumping into eachother, forming DNA? Really? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do you? How the hell can you seriously sit here and think you know anything about cellbiology when you write things like that? Amino acids form PROTEINS, not DNA. DNA is very similar to RNA, one of many organic molecules that by all measures can form and was around on early earth. As was amino acids. Nucleotides (building blocks for RNA and DNA) and amino acids are found for example in meteorites. It's not hard for nature to form these molecules. The initial purpose of RNA does not need to have been to carry information, that ability may have evolved later. From the beginning it may have functioned similarly to how proteins function; simply being BUILDING BLOCKS in the cell, in one way or another making it more likely to successfully carry out the chain reaction that is life. RNA is also a molecule much more prone to rearranging its base pairs (by the way, the order of the base pairs decides how the molecule will look, and thus its function), which means it may have started as a molecule with maybe only 5 base pairs, making up for a small molecule, but still maybe giving advantages to cells without it. I'll end with saying that you are an absolute joke, and people like you, who don't know squat about what they're talking about, have zero education in the subject, but still believe they can tell people about the way it is, is the reason for all sorts of problems in the world. It's called ignorance. Goodbye.  

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(guest) - 11 years ago [ Reply ]

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Steve McKay (guest) - 11 years ago [ Reply ]

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SpeakingIllOfStephenFryIsIllegal (guest) - 11 years ago

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