In the future, we may have remote-controlled insects to reach places humans cannot. At least that's what Dr. Hirotaka Sato, an aerospace engineer from Singapore, is hoping.
Posted 7 years ago by RickMX in category: technology   Comments (2)

Paul O'Grady - Probably the most elegant gagging you have ever seen.
Posted 3 years ago by boyt in category: funny   Comments (0)

A tennis ball is placed in a tube with vacuum. When exposed to air, the ball is accelerated by the atmospheric pressure.
Posted 10 years ago by pancho in category: science   Comments (0)

A Terrible Mistake
Posted 5 years ago by CyberHound in category: all   Comments (2)

Kinect 3D camera and a projector
Posted 12 years ago by boyt in category: geeky   Comments (0)