30 Signs Made By People Who Don’t Know How To Use Quotation Marks

I’m not sure what the people making these signs were thinking, but they are hilarious. We present to you the biggest quotation mark fails ever, in all their glory:

Contents show

#1. What every customer service person is actually saying.

#2. What Budweiser should actually be referred to as.

#3. I think I’ll pass.

#4. Men, women, what’s the difference right?

#5. “Thanks”.

#6. This one is pretty much self fulfilling.

#7. Somehow this doesn’t instill much confidence.

#8. “Pregnant”… or just fat.

#9. It’s actually a bottomless pit of death.

#10. Oh look, they serve “beer” too.

#11. Insert not so appropriate joke here.

#12. Ahh yes, the “fire alarm” – I presume it doesn’t actually work then?

#13. Even management knows no one does it.

#14. “Please”… or get a ticket.

#15. “Ssshh! It’s for the horse. He doesn’t understand quotation marks.”

#16. This car service looks legit.

#17. I’d… rather not have this on my hands.

#18. Seems fishy.

#19. How to instantly emasculate your employees.

#20. In other words, fireworks that will blow up in your face.

#21. I wonder what kind of “meat service” they’re talking about. Heh.

#22. He’ll fill you with cement and charge you twice as much.

#23. This use of quotations marks might be intentional… not very discreet though is it?

#24. Looks highly reputable.

#25. Made with real “flour”.

#26. Just kidding, it’s actually cat.

#27. Zombie cop?

#28. Poor dad.

#29. It’s actually a hidden monthly subscription. We’ve all experienced those before.

#30. What’s that thing sticking out of ‘The Pleasure Throne’? You might not have to use much “imagination” after all.