This is a large-scale demonstration of the interaction between period and pendulum length, using 16 bowling balls hung from a wooden frame. The length of time it takes a ball to swing back and forth one time to return to its starting position is dependent on the length of the pendulum, not the mass of the ball. A longer pendulum will take longer to complete one cycle than a shorter pendulum. The lengths of the pendula in this demonstration are all different and were calculated so that in about 2:40, the balls all return to the same position at the same time.
Posted 9 years ago by wolfram33 in category: interesting   Comments (0)

What's likeliest to kill more than 10 million human beings in the next 20 years? It's probably not what you'd think.
Posted 9 years ago by alexdave in category: interesting   Comments (4)

More protein than beef, more iron than steak, more Omega-3 than salmon, more calcium than milk and more antioxidants than blueberries.
Posted 8 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (5)

Entry for a mythbusters contest. Two Phonebooks folded together are inseperable..Or are they?!
Posted 13 years ago by JohnRoss in category: interesting   Comments (2)

Mike Rowe the host of "Dirty Jobs," tells some compelling (and horrifying) real-life job stories
Posted 12 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (0)