Posted 11 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Posted 11 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (1)

1 second of footage turns into 3 minutes of video.
Posted 10 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Violets, touch me nots, and squirting cucumbers all have one thing in common: They disperse their seeds by exploding. Here's some incredible footage of each one in action.
Posted 9 years ago by qwerty123 in category: interesting   Comments (0)

On 5 December 2012, the car carrier Baltic Ace sank with more than 1,400 cars on board after a collision with a container ship near the entrance of the main shipping lane leading to Rotterdam port. Rijkswaterstaat contracted Boskalis and its partner Mammoet Salvage for the wreck removal operation.
Posted 8 years ago by BenSander in category: interesting   Comments (3)