Captain Disillusion analyzes a relatively *current* viral video for a change.
Posted 10 years ago by charisME in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Posted 10 years ago by denzel in category: interesting   Comments (1)

Astronaut Chris Hadfield shakes and then opens a Coke can while living on the ocean floor.
Posted 10 years ago by CookieP in category: interesting   Comments (1)

The Stonefish is the World's most venomous fish. They milked it.
Posted 10 years ago by stassi in category: interesting   Comments (1)

Demonstration of an optical technique that allows us to see small changes in the index of refraction in air. A point source of light is reflected from a concave mirror and focused onto the edge of a razor blade, which is mounted in front of the camera. Light refracted near the mirror and intercepted by the blade gives the illusion of a shadow.Seen here are the heated gases from a candle flame and a hair dryer, helium gas, and sulfur hexafluoride gas.
Posted 9 years ago by Mamok in category: interesting   Comments (0)