Posted 10 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Dissecting a Tropical Nepenthes Pitcher Plant.
Posted 10 years ago by DraftHouse in category: interesting   Comments (0)

The Antonov 225 is powered by six turbofan engines and is the longest and heaviest aircraft ever made with a maximum takeoff weight of 640 tonnes. It also has the largest wingspan of any aircraft in operational service.
Posted 10 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Trees and baggage carousels are two examples where the stable solution is worse for everyone than another strategy.
Posted 10 years ago by RickMX in category: interesting   Comments (2)

Bill takes apart a coffee maker to show how hot water is pumped through it using a "bubble pump." The use of this pump reflects an engineer's choice to have only one heating element to lower the cost.
Posted 9 years ago by DaVool in category: interesting   Comments (0)