Posted 8 years ago by Sofie in category: interesting   Comments (1)

Just as vinyl records have a pattern of grooves and ridges that contain the sound, talking tapes - which were originally developed in 1918 - work on the same principle. Along the length of the tape is a fine pattern of grooves, and when you run your finger nail along the tape, you can 'play' the encoded message.
Posted 8 years ago by glennMC in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Posted 8 years ago by reinhardt in category: interesting   Comments (0)

Did you know that a single company controls 80% of all glasses and sunglasses brands?
Posted 8 years ago by StiflersMom in category: interesting   Comments (2)

The World's Blackest Material
Posted 7 years ago by boyt in category: interesting   Comments (0)